And the winner is… you?
For the effort invested, the momentum you gain from winning an award is like nothing else. In that one, joy-filled moment you prove your expertise and professionalism to every existing and potential client.
You re-energise and reward your hard-working staff. You get free publicity from many different media sources. And you get the satisfaction of a job well done that reaps benefits months, even years, into the future.
Even if you don’t win, what have you lost? In fact, you might be surprised by how much you have to gain simply by entering. That’s why I strongly recommend you get your skates on and apply for the Professional Beauty Regional Awards 2017. Act quickly and decisively – the closing date is Thursday, May 11th.
Are you celebrating success or dwelling on difficulties?
We in the beauty industry don’t do nearly enough to celebrate our businesses. It’s so easy for us to get wrapped up in angst about upcoming challenges that we forget to pause and look back on all the amazing things we’ve achieved. I can’t tell you how important it is to reflect on your successes and to share them with your teams, clients, social media feeds and so on.
Think about it: do you give as much space to those champagne moments as you do to your potential setbacks?
Whether you enter or not, and I genuinely hope you do, take a look at the questions on the Professional Beauty Regional Awards entry form. Why not spend some time thinking how you might answer? Let all that passion you have, the passion that got you to start up your business in the first place, flood out as you do. Once you get going, you could be surprised to discover just what an incredible year you’ve had. Maybe you’ll even be proud enough to click that “Enter Now” button…
I’ve been lucky enough to experience awards ceremonies from both sides of the stage. As a successful entrant for many business awards, I know the satisfaction and elation of hearing your name read out from the front of a big hall. As a judge for prestigious events like the Professional Beauty Awards, I’ve also developed a keen eye for the sorts of applications that get judging panels excited. Unsurprisingly, I often get asked by salon and spa owners to spill the beans on how to complete entry forms as eye-catchingly as possible.
Get all my award-winning experience in my FREE eBook
As a result, I’ve compiled my advice into a helpful eBook, my , and, in recognition of Professional Beauty’s upcoming deadline, I’m making it available to you for FREE for a limited time.
Click here to download my Top 10 Tips to Successfully Enter and Win Business Awards
Remember, applications to the Regional Awards close on May 11th. Someone has to win, why not you?
Here’s to your great (award-winning?) business,
Susan. x